Tryout Details
No tryout dates available at this time. Please check back later.
Panthers Select softball open tryouts are held every year at Crist Fields between mid-July and early-August, typically for the 10U-18U age groups.
When dates and times have been selected for the upcoming season, they will be posted below by age group along with a registration form.
Open Tryout Requirements
Wear softball attire (a numbered shirt will be provided at tryouts.)
Bring your own equipment such as glove, bat, etc.
Complete online registration form.
Pitchers/Catchers: No need to bring a battery partner as you will work together with other athletes (or coaches as needed) during tryouts.
In need of a change?
Having trouble with your current team or in need of a change but can't wait until open tryouts? Feel free to reach out and connect with us to see what options may be available. Our coaches are always willing to evaluate talent and help players find the right fit that makes the most sense for them.