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Become a Coach

Coach Application

Thank you for your interest in Panthers Select Softball. Your application will be reviewed by a selection committee and may be followed by an interview. Whether or not you are selected as a coach for the upcoming season you are invited to remain involved in the program through the numerous volunteer opportunities available.

Should you be selected for an interview, please be prepared to discuss the following:

  • Your fast pitch softball coaching experience.

  • Any other coaching experience.

  • Your philosophy regarding playing time for team members.

  • How would you balance "playing to win" versus "equitable participation" for team members.

  • How many assistant coaches you feel are necessary for each team.

  • Your view of the role of the assistant coach.

  • Your preferred style of conflict resolution relative to players and/or parents.

  • Your favorite part about coaching.

  • Your least favorite part about coaching.


This application will be kept on file with the program records and you will be informed of the committee decision and any future opportunities. All coaches (Head and Assistant) are required to pass background checks and concussion training prior to any work.

What position are you applying for?

Please describe your coaching philosophy for the age group you are applying for in summary and then relating to each of the next 7 topics.  

Please provide 3 personal/coaching references: 

Reference 1

Reference 2

Reference 3

Thank you for your submission.

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